Elliot + Hunter

Elliot + Hunter

   The first words that want to be typed out in this blog is "hot dayum", but it was in fact quite the opposite! This was the fist snow fall session I shot this winter! We were all so siked for the snow up at the trails in Mt Spokane but we were freezing our tooshy's by the end, more like my legs were about to fall off with the waist deep snow...

     I met Hunter while working at Starbucks. We only worked together for a short couple of months but during this time I thoroughly enjoyed her presence. She would talk about her man Elliot, and I would talk about the inverse square law, not really i just felt like throwing a nerdy photography at you guys! So you can imagine how easy this shoot was, I felt like I have known these fools for a lifetime. While working with Hunter (I call her Hunstman, you know like the Chris guy) we wanted to head up to Glacier but plans fell through and we weren't able to, so I'm glad we got to redeem ourselves with the snowy mountain!  

   If any of you know or follow my photography, you know how much I love Mt Spokane, so naturally this was one for the journal! I would say "one for the books" but that's cliche and not manly enough for me. As we continued shooting my toes began getting cold. This is about the time of my blog that I would tell a funny story that has something to do with our shoot, but seriously, my toes were getting stupid cold. 

   As the snowy shoot came to an end we headed back down the mountain and got to chatting, I found out the Elliot can brew his own beer, this fascinates me to the max! And I was informed by Huntsman that red wine is swell with stakes while white wine is good with Italian food, this is good because I'm trying to expand my alcoholic palette.

   Huntsman and Elliot, it was real. And rad! I hope to try good brews and hike up righteous mountains in the future with you guys! Until then, stay golden!! 


Derek + Anna

Derek + Anna

Mitchell + Camille

Mitchell + Camille